who we treat

kid playing soccer

treating kids

One of the most important parts of our work is helping children be as active as they want to be; so that they can find the activity or sport that they are passionate about and most especially so that a kid with flat feet won’t shy away from physical activity because of foot or leg pain that they can’t even begin to describe to their parents.

Poor foot function can make activity painful and take the fun out of it. In the medical world this is often described as "growing pains." In our experience, children will not complain to their parents unless their pain is quite severe. Most just avoid the activities that make them uncomfortable, while some tough it out.

A biomechanical exam evaluating the need for inserts can be life-altering for children and help them experience physical activities and sports in a brand new way.

Common problems we treat in kids:

  • Painful flat feet

  • Heel pain (Sever’s Disease)

  • Plantar warts

  • Ingrown nails

  • Sports injuries

Woman Sitting Cross-Legged Barefoot

treating adults

We share our passion for staying active with our patients and have dedicated our practice to the simple goal of keeping you on your feet and doing the things you need or love to do. Over our many years of practice, we have seen that aches and pains in the body can be relieved by conservative, non surgical solutions that focus on the biomechanics of the foot.

Common problems we treat in adults:

  • Heel Pain

  • Pain in the ball of the foot

  • Bunions

  • Hammertoes

  • Painful flat feet

  • Runners Knee

  • Ingrown Toenails

  • Painful Nails

Older Couple Hiking With Hiking Poles

treating seniors

We believe aging well is all about staying active and engaged. If your feet are keeping you from being active, it can affect your physical and mental well-being. One of the most rewarding parts of our work is the fact that patients often start to feel better after just one visit.

Common problems we treat in seniors:

  • Mid-foot and ankle arthritis

  • Heel pain

  • Bunions

  • Hammer toes

  • Painful nails

  • Corns and Calluses